Sunday, October 01, 2006

Talking to Yourself: Thinking Tool or Speaking Practice? (Part II)

So back to the question in the previous post: What are these weird silent, internal conversations about? Is it an "objective" conversation between multiple internal perspectives to help you reach a good decision? Or, do you know in advance where the conversation will end...making the whole thing a waste of time? (Or something else)
So I tried an experiment. For a month or so, everytime I sensed an internal conversation starting about an approach I should take, I tried to fast-forward to the end to get to the result. Think of it as hitting the Tivo Forward button so you get the last 30 seconds of the show. And what a surprise, I could always get right to the final "answer." Always. OK, maybe I'm dense and it shouldn't been a surprise. After all, both participants in the conversation are me. But every time? Even when I really did think I was trying to make a decision? Eureka! What a great way to save time! What a great way to be able to think about more stuff in a limited amount of time! More time and no one gets hurt. But is there a downside. Yep. Maybe in only special cases, but yes. See Part III.

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